
The Modern Art Museum (MAM) in Shanghai, China, is an institution focused on diversity, equality, nurturing creativity and education. An institution with a global and multidisciplinary approach, MAM Shanghai aims at contributing to the education, knowledge and enjoyment of art through an immersive and engaging experience.

Its vast industrial architecture offers a versatile and dynamic space to connect the shared cultures of the East and West. Located along the ‘cultural corridor’ of museums and galleries that runs along the riverside in the Pudong New Area, MAM utilizes innovative methods to facilitate public participation and engagement with art.



MAM Shanghai’s exhibitions and programming will celebrate creativity and the imagination, with the conviction that meaningful, immersive, and experiential engagement with art in all its forms enriches lives, opens minds, and deepens understanding.





We believe in the power of art to connect us across time, geography, and cultural differences, shedding light on how humans interact with each other and their world.


Imagination is at the core of the experience at MAM exhibitions as part of the work of our staff and outside scholars and in the range of viewpoints represented by our many audiences.


We are dedicated to stimulating and fostering the creativity of our visitors in line with the belief that the arts are at the center of our humanity, representing a timeless human impulse.



Teamwork and thoughtful collaboration with other institutions are essential to realizing MAM Shanghai’s vision. The museum works in partnership with experts, organizations, and agencies in education, arts, business, and public entities to better serve its audience.

Quality & Education.

The presentation of quality immersive and experiential exhibitions and programming are the center of our mission. We generate, disseminate, and facilitate scholarship and education, making new ideas relevant and exciting to a broad audience of all ages.

Innovation & Research.

MAM Shanghai fulfills its mission through the pursuit and use of technological innovation as well as a research program that leads to greater knowledge about all forms of art and culture in a global context.



MAM Shanghai is a leading museum fully committed to including innovative and experiential ways to encounter diverse forms of creativity.


Our Team.

Teamwork and thoughtful collaboration are essential to realizing MAM Shanghai’s mission.

Zhang Xi

President, MAM Riverbank

Shai Baitel

Artistic Director

Derek Yu


Heiko Stoiber

Director, Strategic Initiatives

Explore Exhibitions at MAM Shanghai